SIM News

6th Innovative Approaches for the identification of Antiviral Agents Summer School

Di |2022-06-13T16:31:32+02:0013/06/2022|

The Summer School entitled  “Innovative approaches for the identification of antiviral agents”, that is now at its 6th edition and that this year will be in presence. It will take place in Pula (Cagliari, Italy) from September 26th to September 30th 2022, with the patronage of the European Society for Virology, the Federation of European Microbiological Societies, the Italian Society for Microbiology and Molecular Biology, the Sardinia Ricerche Research agency and other Institutions. The goal is to allow young scientists (PhD students and young post-docs) to meet and interact with internationally recognized experts in the field, recognizing that successful mentoring requires [...]


Di |2022-05-24T09:42:55+02:0024/05/2022|

ESCMID/IDSA joint web symposium on Monkeypox WEBINAR This webinar is Open-Access (no login required) and will be hosted on May 24, 2022 at 12:00 - 14:00 CEST (UTC: 10am - 12pm). Confirmed panel Nick Beeching Gilbert Greub Margarida Tavares Erica Shenoy Joana Haussig Chair Eskild Petersen Programme 12.05 Eskild Petersen, Aarhus, Denmark - Introduction 12.10 – 12.20 Nick Beeching, Liverpool, United Kingdom - First Monkeypox cases in the UK 12.20 – 12.30 Gilbert Greub, Lausanne, Switzerland - Monkeypox virus, microbial diagnosis and molecular epidemiology 12.30 – 12.40 Margarida Tavares, Porto, Portugal - Monkeypox in Portugal 12.40 – 12.50 Erica S. Shenoy, Boston, [...]


Di |2022-05-26T11:00:06+02:0023/05/2022|

Siamo pronti per il terzo incontro della serie di webinar sul tema “INTERAZIONE OSPITE MICRORGANISMO” organizzati da SIM – Società Italiana di Microbiologia al fine di promuovere la condivisione di informazioni, risultati, modelli sperimentali e qualsiasi altro strumento utile a potenziare lo studio e la divulgazione di aspetti legati allo studio dei meccanismi di interazione tra ospite e microrganismo e, al contempo, di costruire legami tra i ricercatori, in una «scuola post-graduate» che raccolga tutti i dottorandi in Microbiologia.   Il terzo incontro, "Profiling humoral and cellular Immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and infection", introdotto dalla Prof.ssa  Donata Medaglini, Università degli Studi di Siena, si [...]

FEMS Summer School for Postdocs – Apply now

Di |2022-05-12T18:01:47+02:0012/05/2022|

The application system for the FEMS Summer School for Postdocs 2022 is open! Apply and get the chance to spend ten days with like-minded scientists learning and growing together. The Summer School is designed to support personal and professional development through 10 days of close work with top scientists, and to enable and encourage research collaboration across all fields of microbiology. The outcomes will be advancing your scientific knowledge and enhancing your research career. The Summer School is scheduled to take place from 3-13 September 2022 in Split, Croatia. Accommodation and all facilities will be located at the Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS).  [...]


Di |2022-04-29T10:46:33+02:0029/04/2022|

JUNE 6-7, 2022 CONGRESS VENUE Centro Congressi Humanitas Via Manzoni 113 - Rozzano MI - Italy Endocarditis is a complex clinical pathology with a high mortality rate despite diagnostic and therapeutic improvements. In recent years, we have seen significant changes in its epidemiological and clinical profile, with a variation in the population at risk and increase in nosocomial formes of endocarditis with antibioticresistent or fastidious bacteria. Endocarditis is a great simulator when it occurs with an embolic event that might lead diagnosis towards other pathologies, or it may in turn be simulated by disparate diseases. Rapid diagnostic recognition and appropriate therapy [...]

IUMS 2022- International Union of Microbiological Societies

Di |2022-04-28T17:52:11+02:0028/04/2022|

IUMS 2022 is less than three months away, and the preliminary scientific program is waiting for you to explore it! At IUMS there will be 5 main Bridging Sessions presented by each of the three IUMS divisions. Enjoy these sessions live in Rotterdam or online: Bridging Session 1: Microbiomes and Viromes in the Anthropocene Bridging Session 2: Innate Immunity as a First Line against Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi Bridging Session 3: Return After a Period of Absence: Dormancy, Persistence and Relapse Bridging Session 4: The Development of Resistance: Host-Pathogen Arms Race Bridging Session 5: Emerging Diseases in 'One Health' Context It is possible to reserve your [...]

6th National Congress of the Italian Society of Virology

Di |2022-06-13T11:13:30+02:0028/04/2022|

Naples July 3-5, 2022 As the pandemic seems to start fading away, the flagship annual meeting of the Italian Society of Virology SIV-ISV is back on the agenda. During the past 2 years, as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Society was forced to pivot the scientific programs (both the 4th and the 5th SIV-ISV National Congresses) into a totally new format for online consumption. The events, free for all users, were undisputed successes, both from a scientific/educational as well as from a digital technology perspective. The number of registrations increased by almost four-fold when compared with previous editions with [...]


Di |2022-05-02T15:52:25+02:0021/04/2022|

È in arrivo il secondo incontro della serie di webinar sul tema “INTERAZIONE OSPITE MICRORGANISMO” fortemente voluti da SIM – Società Italiana di Microbiologia al fine di promuovere la condivisione di informazioni, risultati, modelli sperimentali e qualsiasi altro strumento utile a potenziare lo studio e la divulgazione di aspetti legati allo studio dei meccanismi di interazione tra ospite e microrganismo e, al contempo, di costruire legami tra i ricercatori, in una «scuola post-graduate» che raccolga tutti i dottorandi in Microbiologia.   Il secondo incontro, “Upper respiratory tract and viral pathogens: the example of SARS-CoV-2 infection”, introdotto dal Prof. Nicasio Mancini, si terrà lunedì 2 maggio 2022 [...]

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