SIM News

International Congress on Infectious Diseases

Di |2022-10-20T16:46:08+02:0020/10/2022|

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia November 17–20, 2022 In person or virtual The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) will hold its next in-person and virtual International Congress on Infectious Diseases November 17–20, 2022 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, supported by the Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB) and the Malaysian Society of Infectious Diseases & Chemotherapy (MSIDC). The ISID Congress is the leading Infectious Disease conference that convenes clinicians, allied health professionals, and scientists to share world-class expertise to address global challenges. This unique event focuses on clinical practice, basic and translational science, novel approaches to infection control and prevention, epidemiology of infectious [...]

Your Abstract at ECCMID 2023

Di |2022-10-19T12:57:48+02:0019/10/2022|

Present your research Every year ECCMID accepts hundreds of abstracts in the form of oral or poster presentations. Presenting authors of abstracts benefit from discussing research with colleagues and expanding the global network. All abstracts submitted to ECCMID 2023 are reviewed by the panel of experts.  While submitting the abstract, you can apply for our grants supporting participation at ECCMID. See grants available for ECCMID 2023 here.   Abstracts submitted to ECCMID 2023 should land in one of the following types: Regular abstracts For novel data that has not been previously presented or published. The ECCMID Programme Committee will review and select [...]

Congresso della Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE)

Di |2022-09-22T10:48:25+02:0022/09/2022|

Congresso della Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) 23 - 27 luglio 2023, Ferrara SMBE è una delle maggiori società scientifiche internazionali, che si occupa della promozione di tutti gli studi molecolari in ambito evoluzionistico, e delle loro ricadute sull’uomo, le piante, gli animali e i microorganismi. Inoltre, pubblica le prestigiose riviste Molecular Biology and Evolution (MBE, IF=8.8) e Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE, IF=4.1) e il suo congresso annuale attira più di mille scienziati da tutto il mondo. Il prossimo anno, il congresso SMBE sarà ospitato in Italia, un’opportunità straordinaria, in particolar modo per i giovani membri delle società scientifiche italiane e [...]

14th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting “Life Sciences – now more than ever”, September 19-22

Di |2022-09-02T17:03:49+02:0002/09/2022|

The three days of the 14th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting will be filled with 15 sessions covering medical aspects of the life sciences, applied aspects and a diverse set of basic research. It is a good mix of invited international talks and talks by students, a company trade show including exhibitors quiz and many networking activities. So prepare yourself and register in time! Meet you there! Program: 15 scientific sessions this year will again focus on biotechnology and synthetic biology, cell biology and immunology as well as cancer research/oncology. Two sessions focus on plant biology and plant biotechnology. Microbiology is also prominently represented: a session in [...]


Di |2022-09-02T16:59:05+02:0002/09/2022|

As a pre-event to the annual conference, the ÖGMBT is organizing its new ÖGMBT LIFE SCIENCE CAREER FAIR©, the first career fair in Austria in the field of life sciences – together with our partner acib GmbH. The rich program runs from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and deals with career opportunities in both the academic and industrial sectors. Are you looking for a job in the life science field? Are you planning your next career step? Do you want to transfer from academia to industry? We have the companies and institutions you always wanted to work for – from well-established academic research [...]

Webinar “INTERAZIONE OSPITE MICRORGANISMO” – 12 settembre 2022

Di |2022-09-01T11:55:13+02:0001/09/2022|

Siamo pronti a ripartire con il quinto incontro della serie di webinar sul tema “INTERAZIONE OSPITE MICRORGANISMO” organizzati da SIM – Società Italiana di Microbiologia al fine di promuovere la condivisione di informazioni, risultati, modelli sperimentali e qualsiasi altro strumento utile a potenziare lo studio e la divulgazione di aspetti legati allo studio dei meccanismi di interazione tra ospite e microrganismo e, al contempo, di costruire legami tra i ricercatori, in una «scuola post-graduate» che raccolga tutti i dottorandi in Microbiologia.   L'incontro, “SCALING UP CELL INFECTION MODELS TO ORGANOIDS AND ORGANS”, introdotto dal Prof. Marco Rinaldo Oggioni dell'Università degli Studi di Bologna, si terrà lunedì 12 [...]


Di |2022-07-11T10:35:56+02:0011/07/2022|

Siamo pronti per l'ultimo incontro, prima della pausa estiva, della serie di webinar sul tema “INTERAZIONE OSPITE MICRORGANISMO” organizzati da SIM – Società Italiana di Microbiologia al fine di promuovere la condivisione di informazioni, risultati, modelli sperimentali e qualsiasi altro strumento utile a potenziare lo studio e la divulgazione di aspetti legati allo studio dei meccanismi di interazione tra ospite e microrganismo e, al contempo, di costruire legami tra i ricercatori, in una «scuola post-graduate» che raccolga tutti i dottorandi in Microbiologia.   Il quarto incontro, “Mechanisms of tolerance breakdown in mucosal candidiasis”, introdotto dalla Prof.ssa Elisabetta Blasi dell’Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, si [...]

Summer School of Immuno-Oncology – 2nd edtion

Di |2022-06-22T13:14:44+02:0021/06/2022|

VERBANIA 14-17 September 2022 Villa San Remigio Università del Piemonte Orientale   The “Summer School of Immuno-Oncology - 2nd edtion” aims to discuss knowledge and recent advances in the field of cancer immunotherapy. A panel of national and international lecturers will cover various aspects of preclinical and clinical immuno-oncology, ranging from the study of basic pathogenetic mechanisms for the discovery of new immunotherapeutic targets to more clinical aspects related to the effectiveness of combinatorial approaches in boosting cancer immunotherapy. The school will provide young oncologists, PhDs and PhD students involved in clinical and research projects related to cancer immunotherapy with a [...]

25th European Nitrogen Cycle meeting

Di |2022-06-14T11:29:56+02:0014/06/2022|

The 25th European Nitrogen Cycle meeting will finally be held in presence from the 28th to the 30th of September 2022, in Rome, at Sapienza University of Rome. A special focus will be dedicated to the biotechnological and biomedical relevance of Nitrogen Cycle, together with its impact on climate change. The European Nitrogen Cycle meeting is an annual event, bringing together many research groups in Europe with long-lasting and complementary expertise on several aspects of this ecological cycle and its implication for humans. The 2022 Rome edition (25th) witnesses a period of exceptional attention to sustainability-oriented strategies. Special sessions will be [...]

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