Call for papers! Special Issue: Environmental Microbiology – “Vibrios–from genes to ecosystems”- Invited Editor Prof. Carla Pruzzo

Guest editors

Carla Pruzzo, University of Genova, Italy

James D. Oliver, University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA

Delphine Destoumieux-Garzon, CNRS, France

Craig Baker-Austin, Cefas, UK

Vibrio is a genus of ubiquitous bacteria found globally in a wide variety of aquatic environments. They can establish mutualistic, commensal, and pathogenic interactions with their hosts. Of the >100 described Vibrio species around a dozen can cause infections in humans. Other species cause disease in wild and farmed marine animals. Although this genus is becoming increasingly well understood, fundamental aspects related to genomic, microbiological, ecological and risk assessment features of this globally important group of bacteria remain to be explored.

For this Special Issue, we seek review articles, original research and opinion pieces on new advances in the field of Vibrio microbiology.

Examples of topics include: • Vibrio Ecology including Response to Climate Change • Survival Mechanisms • Vibrio Genetics & Biology • Systematics & Evolution • Host-Microbe Interactions • Emergent Human and Animal Diseases • Aquaculture • Vibrios and their Viruses • Biotechnology, Seafood Safety, Synthetic Microbiology

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Speccial Issue EMI (Vibrios from genes to ecosystems)

Di |2019-10-03T20:16:30+02:0003/10/2019|
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